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Michael: Hey Emma, good morning.

Emma: Good morning Michael, how are you?

Michael: Good, how about you?

Emma: Not so good actually.

Michael: Can you tell me more about what's going on?

Emma: Yes, I'm stressed about work.

Michael: You look tired. How did you sleep last night?

Emma: Not very well. I had trouble sleeping.

Michael: I'm sorry to hear that. You should get more rest today.

Emma: I will, thanks for the reminder.

Michael: What did you do last weekend?

Emma: I worked overtime last weekend.

Michael: That's too bad.

Emma: Why did you work overtime?

Michael: I have a big presentation this week and I needed to prepare for it.

Emma: Anyway, did you have a good weekend?

Michael: Yes, I did. I went hiking with some friends.

Emma: That sounds like a lot of fun. Do you have any plans for today?

Michael: Yes, I need to do laundry and grocery shopping.

Emma: Sounds like a busy day. Don't forget to take breaks.

Michael: Okay, I'll keep that in mind. What are you up to today?

Emma: I'm going to the gym this afternoon.

Michael: How often do you work out?

Emma: I work out four days a week.

Michael: What kind of workout do you do at the gym?

Emma: I usually do some cardio and weight training.

Michael: How long do you spend working out?

Emma: I usually spend 90 minutes at the gym.

Michael: Do you follow a specific workout plan?

Emma: Yes, I follow a plan given by my personal trainer.

Michael: Do you find it effective?

Emma: Of course, I've seen great results. I am getting stronger and healthier.

Michael: That's impressive. I should start exercising too.

Emma: I'll go to the gym again tomorrow. Would you like to join me?

Michael: Sure, that's cool. What exercises would you recommend for me?

Emma: I would recommend doing cardio and yoga.

Michael: Thanks for the recommendation. What time are you planning to go?

Emma: At five o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Is that fine for you?

Michael: Yes, that's fine.

Emma: Great, see you tomorrow.

Michael: Yep, see you then.


Learn English with Jessica

20 Minutes Practice Routine

1⃣ personality

生词 词组

laid-back: 悠闲的

organized: some one are organized

meticulous: 细心的

He is always up for doing: 准备好做...

competitive: 竞争的;一心求胜的

be determined to succeed: 决心

empathetic: 善解人意;同情心

she is the one everyone goes to for advice: 向她寻求

introverted: 内向的

trait: 特征,特点

instruction: 说明,指南

I used to be shy 过去很..

plan things ahead

It's cool how we inherit(继承) certain (某种)traits from our parents.

approach life and interact with others. 对待生活,与他人互动

Let's keep embracing (拥抱,接收)the uniqueness






even the



🍇句式 语法

Well,I think it's a combination of things.

That makes sense. 有道理

make sure to



  • Have you ever thought about how people can be so different from each other?
  • Yeah, definitely. It's interesting how everyone has their own unique way of thinking and acting.
  • I agree. It's like each person has their own special personality that makes them who they are.
  • Exactly. Some people prefer spending time alone, while some are really outgoing and love being around others.
  • I was thinking about Jane. She's always cheerful and positive, no matter what's happening.
  • Oh, absolutely. Jane's definitely an optimistic person.
  • And remember David? He's really calm and patient, even in stressful situations.
  • Yes, he's so laid-back. It's like nothing can bother him.
  • Yeah, and then some people are super organized and always have a plan, like Lisa.
  • Right. Lisa is quite meticulous. She pays attention to even the smallest things.
  • And how about Mike? He's so adventurous and always up for trying new things.
  • That's true. Mike's definitely an adventurous spirit. He loves exploring new places and activities.
  • Don't forget about Tom. He's really competitive and always wants to be the best at everything.
  • Yes, Tom's quite competitive. He's driven and determined to succeed.
  • I am thinking about my mom. She's so caring and empathetic. She's the one everyone goes to for advice.
  • I know, your mom has a really kind heart. She's a great listener and always understands people's feelings.
  • How about me? What do you think about me, Alex?
  • You're an introvert, so I always make sure to give you space in social situations.
  • You know, that's so thoughtful of you. Understanding personalities can help us communicate better with others.
  • I know. When we know someone's traits, we can adapt our approach to connect effectively.
  • You're right. And when we understand and respect each other's personalities, we can work together better.
  • Definitely. It's like we're all a mix of different characters.
  • I wonder where these personalities come from.
  • Well, I think it's a combination of things. Our genes, which are like instructions in our body, and our experiences as we grow up.
  • That makes sense. And you know, our personalities can change a little bit over time, too.
  • Really? How so?
  • Well, as we go through different experiences and learn new things.
  • Oh, I see. We might become more confident or develop new interests. Like how I used to be really shy, but now I feel more comfortable talking to people.
  • Exactly. And sometimes, we might notice similarities between family members in terms of their personality.
  • That's true. My mom and I are both pretty organized and like planning things ahead.
  • It's cool how we inherit certain traits from our parents, but we also have our own unique qualities.
  • It's amazing how we all have unique qualities that make us who we are.
  • Absolutely. Our personalities shape how we approach life and interact with others.
  • Yeah, they bring variety to our lives. And I think it's interesting how we can learn from each other's personalities.
  • Yeah, observing how others handle situations can give us new perspectives and strategies.
  • It's like a puzzle, and each piece is important to make the whole picture complete.
  • You're right. Well, thanks for sharing your thoughts on personalities.
  • No problem. It's been great discussing it with you. Our personalities make us who we are, and it's awesome to explore that.
  • Agreed. Let's keep embracing the uniqueness in ourselves and others.
  • Absolutely. Let's keep learning and growing together.
  • You're right.